Friday, August 21, 2020

Time Well Spent

 I had no idea how little that I new about Early Childhood Education. I thought children gained their education starting in elementary school. Head Start and Pre-K was babysitting jobs too me. Now, I am coming to a completion of my M.S. in Early Childhood Studies my thoughts of early childhood education has completely changed. I used to wonder why one of my friends were always reading to her toddlers, and now I know why. The importance of play, the vision of anti-bias education, and the four goals of anti-bias education are three deeply felt learning from this program.

Play is an important part of a child's early development. The children's brain begin to develop, and their language and communication skills begin to mature. They learn how to problem solve and their motor skills begin to develop. Ages 0 to 5 are the critical years of a child's health, well-being, and the overall trajectory or their lives There are milestones for children to reach at certain ages. The child has gained the foundation of their learning by the time he or she reaches age 5. They have formed their self identity, their gender, and their race. They have learned the difference between fairness and unfairness. This made me think back on Anti-bias education.

Anti-bias education is to make sure every child develop to his or her full potential, and they are to blossom. Louis Sparks and Julie Edwards are quoted "All children and families have a sense of belonging and experience affirmation of their identities and cultural way of being, All children have access to and participate in education they need to become successful, contributing members of a society, The educational process engages all members of the program or school in joyful learning, Children and adults know how to respectfully and easily learn, and work together in diverse and inclusive  environments, All families have the resources they need to fully nurture their children, and All children and families live in safe, peaceful, health, comfortable housing and neighborhoods." (Sparks & Edwards, 2010). 

I will take the four goal of anti-bias education with me: Each child will demonstrate self-awareness, confidence, family pride, and positive social identities, Each child will express comfort and joy with human diversity: accurate language for human differences, and deep, caring human connections, Each child will increasingly recognize unfairness, have language to describe unfairness, and understand that unfairness hurts, and Each child will demonstrate empowerment and the skills to act, with others or alone, against prejudice and/or discriminatory actions." (Sparks & Edwards, 2010).

My one long term goal is help all children learn from each other by sharing their traditions and experiences, and by having their family members being a part of their class with weekly conversation with each student's families.

Dr. Ernst, I thank you for your feedback and guidance through this course which has been invaluable. My classmates, What can I say? I think of each of you as family now. You have been so supportive through our discussions. I hope all of you accomplish your dreams in this field of Early Childhood Education. I conclude with this quote by Maria Montessori “Free the child's potential, and you will transform the world.”.


Edwards, J. & Sparks, L. (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves.                                   NAEYC. Washington, DC.


  1. Hi Larry,
    I love that you have identified your growth in the field and established some pretty incredible goals for yourself as you move forward! I wish you all of the best and it has been wonderful learning from you and your experiences as we have gone through our courses.


  2. Proud that you have gained so much knowledge during this program and realized so many important aspects of early childhood that you will carry on with you in your career. Congratulations and Goodluck in all your future endeavors.

  3. Hi Larry,
    I also had no experience in early childhood education prior to this program, so therefore we are on the same boat! I love that you have found goals in which inspire you to focus on anti-bias education. Since being in this program and especially this course, I have learned about what my peers are striving to improve in the childhood field and it makes me happy to learn from each and every one of you. I congratulate you on your success as you have reached another milestone in life. I hope you continue to accomplish all your goals and reach the stars wherever life takes you. Take care!

  4. Personal growth is always a win! I love how you can see that there is so much more happening in childcare centers. I too have grown in the aspect of knowing that I can not accomplish my goals alone. You and the our other wonderful classmates as well as our professors during this time have taught me that.
    Best wishes for your future!


  5. Thank you Larry! You have been a wonderful classmate! I have enjoyed reading our discussions. You have shared a lot of ideas and shared so many of your personal experiences. I really appreciate your support! I want to wish you well and continued success! Christel
